FAQ - Questions and answers customers

Q: How much will the translation of my documents cost?

A: Prices vary depending on several factors, such as the amount of words, the type of terminology or if you make use of our legalisation and certification services. In order to give you a quote, we will need to have a look at your document first. Just send us a scan or picture of your document by email to london@docsbase.com or just visit us in our office in Office 307, 107-111 Fleet Street, London, EC4A 2AB.

Q: How can I pay for my translation?

A: There are several methods for payment: You can pay on collection in our office, by bank transfer or a PayPal payment, send a cheque or draft, as you prefer. If you chose to pay by bank or PayPal transfer, please indicate your name so we can attribute the payment to your order. Payment details available on request: info@docsbase.com


We only work with the best linguists around the world, ensuring 100% quality and unbeatable completion time

Q: How long will it take to translate my document?

A: The completion time of your translation depends on the scale of your document. Translation of short documents take 1 day. If you need the translation to be finished on the same day of your ordering, the price increases 30%.

Q: How do I get my translation?

A: You have two options on how you receive your translation. You can either come to our office and collect it from there, or we can send you the translation by post for the additional charges of 3£ for regular post and 10£ for registered post.

Q: Are the translations certified?

A: All of our translations are certified by the translator and bear the stamp and seal of our office. If you require further certification, find out about our legalisation and certification services here on our homepage. Translations are also signed by the company and all registration and insurance details are stated on the certification form attached to the document.

Q: What is sworn translation?

A: a Sworn Translation is the translation that is signed by the translator who prepared it and certified by a Notary who is authenticating translator’s signature.

Q: Can I get an Apostille for my documents in your office?

A: Yes, our certification and legalisation services comprise Apostille certifications. You have to consider that an Apostille can only be provided by the country where the original document was issued.

Q: Can you offer me a solicitor or notary certification?

A: We have collaborations with certified and experiences solicitors and notaries, so we can arrange any kind of solicitor or notary certification you might need.



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